Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

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Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by cheshirenoir » Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:59 am

Hi there,
Do you want assist MAME/MESS emulate the Creativision family more accurately? Do you have access to the BASIC cartridge? If the answer to both of these questions is "YES!", then step right up!

I remember from my time using a Dick Smith Wizzard, that it was advertised as having 16 way joysticks, but MAME currently emulates them as 8 way joysticks. There is an open bug report on MAMETesters (07338) against this issue, but they'd like us to test some things against original hardware. To that end, they have supplied a small BASIC program to test against the original hardware. (See the link above).

If anyone could test against the real hardware an either update the report, or alternatively DM me with the result, that would be awesome.

(Also, is anyone aware of any cartridges that took advantage of the 16 ways? I thought Planet Defender might have, but apparently it doesn't. Maybe Tennis?)

Cheers and Thanks in advance!

John "Cheshirenoir" Parker.

PS, If anyone in Aus decides to sell their Dick Smmth Wizzard, let me know :-)
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by cheshirenoir » Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:09 am

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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by MADrigal » Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:28 am

I am sorry I do not have access to a real CreatiVision :(
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by cheshirenoir » Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:14 am

I bid on one recently at an auction, and alas I didn't win. I keep my eyes peeled but the only item I have seen recently is from someone who wants $1500AUD for one. I'm hoping I'll catch one with a dead PSU or some other fault I can fix.
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by Scouter3d » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:20 pm

Hi cheshirenoir,

i would like to help to clarify the 16 way joystick a bit…

here a my two cents:

1) The Creativision Joysticks are more than 8 ways - as you can see on the attached image… there are "mixed areas" between the 4 main directions i also think the CV joysticks can "push down" two adjacent areas at the same time
2) if you look at the screenshots of the "Diagnosticard" in action you can see 16 ways recognized
3) the Creativision Basic Cart on the other hand may only read / output 8 ways using its Basic command (at least that´s what it says in the manual)
i can try to run the small Basic test, but could you please list the Program here…
4) I do not know if any Game uses 16 Ways, but i think i remember correctly, that if a program only checks for the 8 ways you get "dead spots" in the steering while the joystick is in the inbetween positions…
5) The Salora Manger / Laser 2001 on the other hand can only use 8 way Joysticks (i think)?!?!!??

Hope this helps...
Greetings, TOM:0)
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by cheshirenoir » Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:26 am

Hi Scouter3d.
I don't have a listing of the program. The developer of the code has encoded it as a WAV file, which can be accessed from the MAMETesters page:
That can then be recorded onto a tape and loaded "normally" with the tapedeck.
(Sorry for the late reply. I don't log on here much. That may change if I can ever find a Wizzard for a reasonable price :-) )
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by Scouter3d » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:55 am

Hi cheshirenoir, i wanted to try the MAME Creativision emulation, i have downloaded the newest MAME but i can´t find the fitting BASIC ROMs for the CV emulation… can you point me to a link? Greetings, TOM:0)
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by Scouter3d » Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:15 am

Wow! this whole MAME / MESS Creativision setup is not so easy :0)

You need the split the BASIC ROM into 3*4K chunks, swap the 2 16K banks, name them correctly and place them into a correctly named folder...

Now at least i managed to start the emulation with the BASIC Cart inserted...

Cheers, TOM:0)
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Re: Can someone with original CreatiVision hardware assist the MAME/MESS project in conducting some tests?

Post by MADrigal » Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:20 am

yes tom, exactly.
MAME uses romsets made of dumps of each chip. it is quite tricky because there are original CV carts with 8k EPROMS although the game is just 6K. other times you have 2x4K or 1x8K for the same game...
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