MazezaM is a data driven puzzle game - where each level is defined with a very small set of data.
Here's the script for level 1 - Humble Origins, with the level data loader from the ZX BASIC program.
Code: Select all
+ $ $ *
# $ $$ #
@LOADMAZE: REM ** load mazes **
RESTORE 2+@MAZEDATA +4*(mazeno-1)
READ n$,c$,w,h,lx,rx
FOR i = 1 TO h
READ a$(i)
LET l=INT ((32-w)/2)
LET t=INT ((24-h)/2)
LET r=32-l-w
n$ is the level name, in this case "Humble Origins"
c$ is the author's name, which is just thrown away on ZX Spectrum, non-existent on other ports
w is the width of the play area, excluding bricks (# characters), in this case 7
h is the height of the play area, or number of active rows, in this case 2
lx is the row number on which the player enters from the left, in this case 1
rx is the row number on which the player exits to the right, in this case also 1
a$(1 ...n) is the array which holds the individual rows, here there are 2
The variables l,t and r just help with placement, for l is left side column count, r is right side column count, and t is rows above and below.
Here is the same data set as seen by C/CPP
Code: Select all
switch (mazenumber)
case 1:
LevelName=(char *) "Humble Origins";w=7;h=2;
a[1]= (char *) " # # ";
a[2]= (char *) " # $& ";
case 42:
LevelName= (char *) "The Beast";w=10;h=7;lx=1;rx=1;
a[1]= (char *) " # $& # ";
a[2]= (char *) "# # $%& $&";
a[3]= (char *) " # # # ";
a[4]= (char *) " $& $& $%&";
a[5]= (char *) " # # # # ";
a[6]= (char *) " $& # $%& ";
a[7]= (char *) " # $%& # ";
From a programming standpoint, the source is a great introduction to data driven software. Once you have presentation and code logic functions in place, it's just throw more definitions at it to get more levels.
Please visit, which is Ventzislav Tzvetkov's collection of MazezaM ports with source code for each and make your own conclusion.